Monday, December 11, 2006

What I’m Watching: Mondays

So the new television season has been up and running long enough now to see what sinks and what swims. As we reach this time of repeats for most shows, thankfully, most of my current favorite shows and the new ones I opted to try are still afloat. I’m gonna go down the list briefly of what I watch on each night of the week and share some random thoughts. So let's look into what I watch on Mondays.


Possibly the coolest show this season, new or not (although Lori would no doubt disagree). This show holds the bar pretty high in telling multiple interweaving stories simultaneously that continue from week to week. The action revolves around a group of seemingly unrelated individuals who all seem to be experiencing the onset of super powers. Pretty cool! Check it out on NBC. Repeats the same week on SciFi (check local listings for exact times). Despite the high register on the geek-o-meter, Lori does watch Heroes with me.

Tomorrow, we’ll check out my Tuesday night faves.

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