Friday, July 01, 2005

The Three-Day Weekend

The three day July 4th weekend, in my opinion, is well-deserved.

I'm tired and, to be honest, it'll be nice to just relax with my family.

That's what I always think though. We've got a lot going on this weekend.

On Saturday, we may go to the Renaissance Festival in Larkspur. It's pretty cool. Very festive and something you can only do in the summer. This weekend is also the Children's Weekend so Melody oughta get a kick out of it. She loves other kids. Of course, we may not go on Saturday either. We're weighing it with the weather. It's supposed to be quite hot so another weekend might be better. And Lori and I would both enjoy some of the other themed weekends. Of note is the International Music weekend and the Irish and Scottish festival weekend. We probably will only go once this year, so we’ll see what happens.

On Saturday, Lori and I are leading worship at church. So we've got to go over the music on Saturday as well (another reason to perhaps put off the Renaissance Festival). Of course, we lead worship almost every Sunday this month, so there may not be a "good" weekend to go in that respect. So perhaps we should just bite the bullet and go. Who knows what we'll decide?

On Monday, Independence Day, the plan is to head over to Memorial Park where the Colorado Springs Philharmonic will play and there will be fireworks. It's illegal to even possess fireworks in the Colorado Springs city limits, so this is a good alternative to shooting off your own on the street like we did in California when I was a kid. I'm looking forward to seeing Meldoy’s reaction to the fireworks.

So we've got a lot going on this weekend but in between things, I hope to get to some writing and some other computer-oriented errands.

Whatever the case, I'm looking forward to the extended time away from work.

Praise God for three day weekends.

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